Direct Policy Guidelines

Juliet Vrakas Australian Songwriter

Direct Policy Guidelines


Direct Licensing Policy Guidelines (Public Performance and Transmission Rights) 1. This is a Direct Licensing Guideline of Juliet Vrakas in respect of the licensing or sound recordings and music videos. Our office is not currently issuing direct licensing at this time, but may in the distant future . The preferred option is to obtain a blanket license directly from OneMusic in Australia. 


To seek permission to use any of Juliet's music visit OneMusic for more information and to apply





If you are overseas (not Australian or New Zealand residents or citizens) and want to license Juliet's songs or music for songcovers, film, tv, documentaries, etc,  you may contact on this website direct and provide details including your registered overseas address, full name, business and tax number. Rates are assessed based on the location where audio is being used, purpose and duration audio is being used. Offers are welcome.